76岁的数学教师Quy Huy Hoang在上诉和重审后承认多项儿童性攻击指控。 76-year-old maths tutor, Quy Huy Hoang, admitted to multiple child sexual assault charges after an appeal and retrial.
76岁的数学老师Quy Huy Hoang在漫长的法律斗争中承认多项儿童性攻击指控。 Quy Huy Hoang, a 76-year-old maths tutor, has admitted to multiple child sexual assault charges after a lengthy legal battle. 最初在2016年被判处24年徒刑,他赢得上诉,导致重审。 Initially sentenced to 24 years in 2016, he won an appeal that led to a retrial. Hoang对四起强奸罪认罪,其余猥亵攻击罪将在12月13日的判刑听证会上处理。 Hoang pleaded guilty to four counts of rape, while remaining indecent assault charges will be addressed at a sentencing hearing on December 13. 他的罪行涉及在辅导期间隔离受害者,导致他于2014年在受害者母亲提交报告后被捕。 His offenses involved isolating victims during tutoring sessions, leading to his arrest in 2014 after a report from a victim's mother.