华盛顿州立大学任命伊丽莎白·贝西·坎特韦尔为四月份第一位女校长。 Washington State University appoints Elizabeth "Betsy" Cantwell as its first female president in April.
华盛顿州立大学已任命伊丽莎白·贝西·坎特韦尔为首任女校长,自4月1日起生效。 Washington State University has appointed Elizabeth "Betsy" Cantwell as its first female president, effective April 1. Cantwell(现任犹他州州立大学校长)将接替自2016年起担任总统的Kirk Schulz。 Cantwell, currently Utah State University's president, will succeed Kirk Schulz, who has been president since 2016. Cantwell以注重学生成功和在主要大学系统中的经验而著称,在高等教育和国家安全方面,她带来了广泛的专门知识。 Known for her focus on student success and experience in leading university systems, Cantwell brings extensive expertise in higher education and national security. 她的任命是在全国范围搜寻之后作出的,由于最近影响高等教育筹资和政策的政治变化,其任命正处在一个不确定的时期。 Her appointment follows a nationwide search and comes at a time of uncertainty due to recent political changes affecting higher education funding and policies.