西伊利诺伊州大学任命Kristi Mindrup为首位女校长, Western Illinois University appoints Kristi Mindrup as its first female president, amid some faculty concerns.
西伊利诺斯州大学董事会一致任命Kristi Mindrup为该大学的第13位校长,这是第一次由妇女担任这一职务。 Western Illinois University's Board of Trustees has unanimously appointed Kristi Mindrup as the university's 13th president, marking the first time a woman has held the position. 明迪鲁普自4月以来担任临时总统,具有27年的高等教育经验。 Mindrup, who has served as interim president since April, brings 27 years of higher education experience. 董事会将在3月批准她的薪金和合同。 The board will approve her salary and contract in March. 一些教职员工对任命过程中缺乏共同治理表示关切,而另一些教职员工则赞扬她的领导能力。 Some faculty members expressed concerns about the lack of shared governance in the appointment process, while others praised her leadership.