华盛顿州立大学在非公开会议后 选择“Cardidate B”为下一任总统的决赛选手。 Washington State University selects "Candidate B" as finalist for its next president after a private meeting.
华盛顿州立大学执政官董事会在私下会见三名候选人后, 选择“Cardidate B”为该大学下一任总统的决赛选手。 The Washington State University Board of Regents has selected "Candidate B" as the finalist for the university's next president after interviewing three candidates in a private meeting. 全面任命将在背景调查和合同谈判后公布。 The full appointment will be revealed after a background check and contract negotiations. 柯克·舒尔茨总统今年4月宣布退休后,200多人开始申请该职位。 Over 200 people applied for the position, which opened after President Kirk Schulz announced his retirement last April.