一名18岁的孩子在高速追逐到137英里后被逮捕,最后在新罕布什尔坠机。 An 18-year-old was arrested after a high-speed chase reaching 137 mph, ending in a crash in New Hampshire.
来自康涅狄格州18岁的Thomas C. Smart, 在新罕布什尔州30英里高速追逐后被捕, 速度高达137英里。 An 18-year-old from Connecticut, Thomas C. Smart, was arrested after a 30-mile high-speed chase in New Hampshire, reaching speeds of up to 137 mph. 警方试图阻止他的宝马在55mph区95mph超速。 The chase started when police tried to stop his BMW for speeding at 95 mph in a 55 mph zone. Smart的车被轮胎通缩装置挡住了 导致车撞进了沟渠 Smart's vehicle was stopped by a tire deflation device, causing it to crash into a ditch. 他因鲁莽行为和其他轻罪面临重罪指控。 He faces felony charges for reckless conduct and other misdemeanors.