Pittston有两人因贩毒被捕;警察另寻找5名嫌疑人。 Two individuals are arrested for drug trafficking in Pittston; police seek five more suspects.
Pittston警察局和Luzerne县缉毒工作队以贩毒罪名逮捕了两人,并正在寻找另外五名嫌疑人。 Police in Pittston and the Luzerne County Drug Task Force have arrested two individuals on drug trafficking charges and are searching for five more suspects. Heather Michelle Lemal和Travis James Lee被指控贩运快克可卡因和芬太尼以及其他毒品。 Heather Michelle Lemal and Travis James Lee are accused of trafficking crack cocaine and fentanyl, among other drugs. 两人都在监狱等待保释。 Both are in jail awaiting bail. 当局正在敦促任何掌握剩余五名嫌犯信息的人 与皮特斯顿市警方联系 Authorities are urging anyone with information about the five remaining suspects to contact the Pittston City police.