三名Kinston居民因毒品指控被捕,包括持有和意图出售甲基苯丙胺。 Three Kinston residents were arrested on drug charges, including possession and intent to sell methamphetamine.
来自Lenoir县Kinston的3人因毒品指控被当地执法单位逮捕。 Three individuals from Kinston, Lenoir County, were arrested on drug charges by local law enforcement units. 37 岁的布兰迪·汉斯利 (Brandy Hansley)、57 岁的维克多·斯特里克兰 (Victor Strickland) 和 34 岁的马修·惠利 (Matthew Whaley) 在 Archie's Sweepstakes 和 Nations Inn 被捕。 Brandy Hansley, 37, Victor Strickland, 57, and Matthew Whaley, 34, were apprehended at Archie's Sweepstakes and Nations Inn. 控告包括持有和意图出售甲基胺, 担保债券金额分别为5000美元,25,000美元和20,000美元. Charges included possession and intent to sell methamphetamine, with secured bond amounts set at $5,000, $25,000, and $20,000, respectively.