Suncor Energy 的首席执行官声称,该公司在加拿大的炼油业务使其免受关税的影响,超过了竞争对手。 Suncor Energy's CEO claims the company's Canadian refining operations shield it from tariffs, outpacing rivals.
Suncor Energy 的首席执行官 Rich Kruger 表示,该公司在加拿大的大型炼油业务使其免受关税的影响,这与更依赖向美国出口原油的竞争对手不同。 Suncor Energy's CEO, Rich Kruger, says the company's large refining operations in Canada protect it from tariffs, unlike competitors who rely more on exporting crude oil to the U.S. 尽管 2024 年第四季度的利润从上年的 28.2 亿美元降至 8.18 亿美元,但 Suncor 的调整后收益为 15.7 亿美元,超出预期。 Despite a drop in profit to $818 million in Q4 2024 from $2.82 billion the previous year, Suncor's adjusted earnings of $1.57 billion beat expectations. 分析师 Chris MacCulloch 指出,由于 Suncor 在加拿大境内进行了广泛的炼油,因此在潜在的贸易战中处于强势地位。 Analyst Chris MacCulloch notes Suncor's strong position in a potential trade war due to its extensive refining within Canada.