SNP 在项目批准后因可再生能源公司董事的大量捐赠而面临审查。 SNP faces scrutiny over large donation from renewable energy firm director after project approval.
苏格兰民族党 (SNP) 因向阿伯丁南分部捐款 30,000 英镑而面临审查,此前一家当地公司获得了浮动风电场的批准。 The Scottish National Party (SNP) faces scrutiny over a £30,000 donation to an Aberdeen South branch after a local company was granted approval for a floating wind farm. 批评者认为,游说、项目批准和捐赠之间的时间安排引发了对透明度的质疑。 Critics argue the timing between lobbying, project approval, and the donation raises questions about transparency. 苏格兰民族党声称,人们担心的是决策速度,而不是腐败。 The SNP claims concerns are over decision-making speed, not corruption.