73名新警察从Wing 381的警察培训课程毕业,他们代表不同族裔。 Seventy-three new constables graduated from Wing 381's police training course, representing a diverse group of ethnicities.
包括理查德·钱伯斯专员和马克·米切尔警察部长在内的官员庆祝的Wing 381警察培训班毕业的73名新警察。 Seventy-three new constables graduated from Wing 381's police training course, celebrated by officials including Commissioner Richard Chambers and Minister of Police Mark Mitchell. Brent Edwards警员被提名为顶尖新兵,Aleksandar Banjac警员获得领导才能奖。 Constable Brent Edwards was named top recruit, and Constable Aleksandar Banjac received awards for leadership. 该类人各不相同,其中58.9%为新西兰欧裔人,16.4%为毛利人,8.2%为帕西菲卡人,11.0%为亚洲人,1.4%为LAAM人,4.1%为其他族裔。 The class is diverse, with 58.9% New Zealand European, 16.4% Māori, 8.2% Pasifika, 11.0% Asian, 1.4% LAAM, and 4.1% other ethnicities represented.