著名导师丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆宣布 他拥有帕金森的 但是将继续领导他的管弦乐队 Renowned conductor Daniel Barenboim announces he has Parkinson's but will continue leading his orchestra.
82岁的著名指挥丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆 宣布患有帕金森病 Renowned conductor Daniel Barenboim, 82, has announced he has Parkinson's disease. 尽管对他进行了诊断,但巴伦博伊姆计划继续履行其专业承诺,特别是与西东迪万管弦乐团的承诺,他创建该管弦乐队是为了促进以色列和巴勒斯坦音乐家之间的理解。 Despite his diagnosis, Barenboim plans to continue his professional commitments, particularly with the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, which he founded to promote understanding between Israeli and Palestinian musicians. 他将优先考虑他的健康,同时确保管弦乐队的长期发展。 He will prioritize his health while ensuring the orchestra's long-term development.