59 岁的德尔阿米特里 (Del Amitri) 主唱贾斯汀·柯里 (Justin Currie) 透露了帕金森症的诊断结果,并预计未来将停止演出。 59-year-old Del Amitri frontman Justin Currie discloses Parkinson's diagnosis, anticipating a future halt to performing.
59 岁的 Del Amitri 主唱贾斯汀·柯里 (Justin Currie) 透露了他的帕金森病诊断结果,并表示他知道由于病情恶化,他将不得不在某个时候停止表演。 59-year-old Del Amitri frontman Justin Currie has revealed his Parkinson's diagnosis and said he knows he will have to stop performing at some point due to the condition's progression. 柯里在接受 BBC 广播四台采访时讨论了这种疾病如何影响了他演奏音乐和专注于握住拨片的能力。 Currie, in an interview with BBC Radio 4, discussed how the disease has already affected his ability to play music and focus on holding a plectrum. 他承认必须停止表演的想法“相当严峻”。 He admitted that the idea of having to stop performing is "quite grim."