RBI组成小组,审查24小时贸易和外国投资增长情况下金融市场的时间安排。 RBI forms panel to review financial market timings amid 24-hour trading and foreign investment growth.
印度储备银行成立了一个由9名成员组成的小组,根据一些市场24小时交易和外国参与增加等最新事态发展,审查金融市场的贸易和结算时机。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has formed a 9-member panel to review the trading and settlement timings of financial markets in response to recent developments such as 24-hour trading in some markets and increased foreign participation. 该小组将审查当前的做法、挑战和国际准则,争取在4月30日前提交报告。 The group will examine current practices, challenges, and international norms, aiming to submit its report by April 30. 此外,RBI还计划在政府证券中引入远期合同,以帮助长期投资者管理利率风险。 Additionally, the RBI plans to introduce forward contracts in government securities to help long-term investors manage interest rate risks.