印度简化了休眠交易账户的规则,将结算从每日周期改为每月周期。 India simplifies rules for dormant trading accounts, changing settlement from daily to monthly cycles.
印度证券交易委员会(Sebi)简化了结清休眠交易账户的规则。 Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has simplified rules for settling dormant trading accounts. 以前,闲置账户中的资金必须在三个工作日内结清。 Previously, funds in inactive accounts had to be settled within three working days. 现在,结算将在股票交易所确定的每月周期内进行。 Now, settlements will occur during the monthly cycles set by stock exchanges. 这一改变的目的是提高效率,解决经纪人工业标准论坛就日常解决效率低下提出的关切。 This change aims to improve efficiency, addressing concerns raised by the Brokers’ Industry Standards Forum about daily settlement inefficiencies. 如果一个闲置账户在结算日期之前开始活跃,它将遵循客户选择的季度或每月结算选择。 If an inactive account becomes active before the settlement date, it will follow the client's chosen quarterly or monthly settlement option.