RBI批准政府债券的远期合同,以帮助管理利率风险。 RBI approves forward contracts for government bonds to help manage interest rate risks.
印度储备银行(RBI)已批准政府债券远期合同,以帮助像保险基金这样的长期投资者管理利率风险。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has approved forward contracts in government bonds to help long-term investors like insurance funds manage interest rate risks. RBI旨在通过引入这些合同促进市场发展,这些合同将在考虑公众反馈后最后定稿。 The RBI aims to enhance market development by introducing these contracts, which will be finalized after considering public feedback. 此外,RBI将允许SEBI注册的非银行经纪人使用NDS-OM,这是政府证券的交易平台。 Additionally, the RBI will allow SEBI-registered non-bank brokers access to NDS-OM, a trading platform for government securities.