教皇弗朗西斯敦促基督徒之间的团结,强调尼斯内克里德是共同信仰的一个重要象征。 Pope Francis urges unity among Christians, stressing the Nicene Creed as a key symbol of shared faith.
教皇弗朗西斯会见了东方东正教教会的年轻牧师和僧侣,讨论基督教统一问题,强调尼斯内克里德作为基督徒统一象征的重要性。 Pope Francis met with young priests and monks from Oriental Orthodox Churches to discuss Christian unity, emphasizing the importance of the Nicene Creed as a unifying symbol for Christians. 他强调,分裂的基督徒是支离破碎的,真正的信仰需要团结。 He stressed that divided Christians are fragmented and that true faith requires unity. 教皇弗朗西斯赞扬天主教和东方东正教教会之间的“交换礼物”,促进对话和相互理解。 Pope Francis praised the "exchange of gifts" between the Catholic and Oriental Orthodox Churches, fostering dialogue and mutual understanding.