教皇弗朗西斯呼吁全球和平,强调黎巴嫩-以色列停火是一个榜样。 Pope Francis calls for global peace, highlighting the Lebanon-Israel ceasefire as a model.
教皇弗朗西斯在基督复临安息日第一个星期日向信徒们发表讲话,呼吁在全球冲突中保持希望和警惕。 Pope Francis addressed the faithful on the first Sunday of Advent, calling for hope and vigilance amid global conflicts. 他欢迎黎巴嫩和以色列之间最近的停火,希望停火能够激励加沙、叙利亚和乌克兰的和平。 He welcomed the recent ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel, hoping it could inspire peace in Gaza, Syria, and Ukraine. 他对正在进行的战争表示关切,并警告不要漠视冲突,强调寻求和平是每个人的责任。 He expressed concern over ongoing wars and warned against indifference to conflict, emphasizing that seeking peace is everyone's responsibility.