教皇弗朗西斯呼吁在圣诞节祈祷时实现全球停火,敦促世界和平。 Pope Francis calls for global ceasefire in Christmas prayers, urging peace worldwide.
教皇弗朗西斯在其圣诞祈祷中呼吁全球停火,敦促各方面实现和平。 Pope Francis has called for a global ceasefire in his Christmas prayers, urging peace on all fronts. 这一呼吁是随着世界各地冲突持续不断而提出的,这突出表明了教皇在节日期间对全球和平与和谐的承诺。 This plea comes as conflicts around the world continue, highlighting the Pope's commitment to global peace and harmony during the holiday season.