警官在新奥尔良被嫌疑人的车撞倒;克莱伯恩大道桥部分关闭。 Officer struck by suspect's car in New Orleans; Claiborne Avenue Bridge partially closed.
一名新奥尔良警官在晚上5点12分左右在北克莱伯恩大道和波兰大道交汇处被一名逃离的嫌疑人的汽车击中。 A New Orleans police officer was hit by a fleeing suspect's car around 5:12 p.m. at the intersection of North Claiborne Avenue and Poland Avenue. 该官员接受了医疗,克莱伯恩大道大桥西行道关闭,以便进行调查。 The officer received medical treatment and the westbound lanes of the Claiborne Avenue Bridge are closed for the investigation. 当局建议驾驶员避开这一地区,使用其他路线。 Authorities advise drivers to avoid the area and use alternate routes.