两名巴尔的摩警察在星期五上午的交通站被一辆汽车击中受伤。 Two Baltimore police officers were struck and injured by a vehicle during a traffic stop on Friday morning.
两名巴尔的摩警官在星期五上午4时左右在南卡顿大道的交通站被一辆过路的车辆撞伤,当时两名巴尔的摩警察受伤。 Two Baltimore police officers were injured on Friday morning when a passing vehicle struck them during a traffic stop on South Caton Avenue around 4 a.m. 这两名军官都受了无生命威胁的伤,并被送往医院。 Both officers sustained non-life-threatening injuries and were taken to the hospital. 袭击警员的司机留在现场。 The driver who hit the officers stayed at the scene. 在星期四的另一起事件中,一名警察在司机逃跑时停留在交通站后被撞伤并逃跑,使警察腿部疼痛。 In a separate incident on Thursday, a police officer was injured in a hit-and-run after a traffic stop when the driver fled, leaving the officer with leg pain.