爱尔兰采用短信登记系统,标记和堵塞骗局文字,以保护消费者。 Ireland introduces SMS Registry to mark and block scam texts, aiming to protect consumers.
爱尔兰电信监管机构ComReg正在实施短信发送者身份登记处,以打击骗局文字,目的是使短信成为更可靠的通信方法。 Ireland's telecoms regulator, ComReg, is implementing an SMS Sender ID Registry to combat scam texts, aiming to make SMS a more trustworthy communication method. 从7月开始, 未注册的发件人信息将标记为“ 相似的 Scam ” , 从十月份开始, Starting July, unregistered sender messages will be marked "Likely Scam," and from October, such messages will be blocked. 登记处的目的是防止诈骗,这些骗局每年使爱尔兰消费者和企业损失3亿欧元以上,企业的登记截止日期定为2月25日。 The registry aims to prevent scams, which cost Irish consumers and businesses over €300 million annually, with a registration deadline for businesses set for February 25.