澳大利亚将启动短信发送者身份登记册,以打击骗局文字,预定于2025年底开始。 Australia to launch SMS Sender ID Register to combat scam texts, set to begin late 2025.
澳大利亚政府将采用强制性的短信发送者身份登记册,以打击骗局短信。 The Australian government will introduce a mandatory SMS Sender ID Register to combat scam text messages. 电信公司将核实以品牌名称发送的信息,未经核实的信息将被封锁或标记。 Telecommunications companies will verify messages sent under brand names, with unverified messages either blocked or flagged. 这项定于2025年底启动的1 000万美元倡议旨在减少欺诈信息,恢复对合法商业通信的信任,保护消费者免受欺诈活动之害。 This $10 million initiative, set to launch late 2025, aims to reduce scam messages, restore trust in legitimate business communications, and protect consumers from fraudulent activities.