伊朗最高领袖批评与美国的会谈是不明智的,使潜在的核谈判复杂化。 Iran's Supreme Leader criticizes talks with the US as unwise, complicating potential nuclear negotiations.
伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)谴责与美国谈判“不明智、不聪明、不光彩”, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has denounced negotiations with the US as "unwise, unintelligent, and not honorable," conflicting with recent signals from Tehran suggesting a willingness to discuss its nuclear program for sanctions relief. 总统特朗普(Trump)表示对核谈判感兴趣, 但哈梅内伊引用美国过去退出2015年核协议作为不信任美国的理由。 President Trump has expressed interest in nuclear talks, but Khamenei cites past US withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal as a reason to distrust the US. 这一声明使两国之间可能的谈判复杂化。 The statement complicates potential negotiations between the two nations.