印度尼西亚总统普拉博沃·苏比安托宣布国防理事会成立,以制定国防政策。 Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto inaugurates the National Defence Council to shape defense policies.
印度尼西亚总统普拉博沃·苏比安托在博戈尔总统府举行了新成立的国防理事会第一次会议。 Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto held the first meeting of the newly established National Defence Council (DPN) at the Presidential Palace in Bogor. 该理事会受2002年《国防法》授权,旨在在制定印度尼西亚的国防政策和保护国家方面发挥关键作用。 The council, mandated by the 2002 National Defence Law, aims to play a key role in shaping Indonesia's defense policies and protecting the nation. 苏比安托总统强调了防卫的重要性,重申了国防在国家宪法中的重要性。 President Subianto highlighted the importance of defense, echoing its significance in the country's constitution.