印度尼西亚和俄罗斯海军在爪哇海举行了首次联合反恐演习,演习船只劫机反应。 Indonesian and Russian navies held their first joint anti-terrorism drills in the Java Sea, practicing vessel hijack responses.
印度尼西亚和俄罗斯海军在爪哇海进行了第一次联合反恐演习,重点是释放一艘被劫持的船只和打击无人驾驶船只。 Indonesian and Russian navies conducted their first joint counter-terrorism exercises in the Java Sea, focusing on freeing a hijacked vessel and combating unmanned boats. 这些演习涉及俄罗斯护卫舰和一艘油轮以及印度尼西亚护卫舰。 The drills involved Russian corvettes and a tanker alongside Indonesian frigates. 这些演习符合印度尼西亚的不结盟外交政策,以及新当选的普拉博沃·苏比安托总统推动与俄罗斯建立更紧密的国防关系。 The exercises align with Indonesia's non-aligned foreign policy and newly inaugurated President Prabowo Subianto's push for closer defense ties with Russia.