两人因贩运可卡因和甲基苯丙胺而被判处3年和8年监禁。 Couple sentenced to 3 and 8 years for trafficking cocaine and methamphetamine.
Madison夫妇Yelitzia Ortiz Chaparro(29岁)和Emanuel Gonzalez(25岁)因贩毒被判处联邦三年八年徒刑。 A Madison couple, Yelitzia Ortiz Chaparro, 29, and Emanuel Gonzalez, 25, have been sentenced to three and eight years in federal prison for drug trafficking. Gonzalez因持有500克以上可卡因意图分销而被定罪,Ortiz Chaparro则因分销甲基苯丙胺而被定罪。 Gonzalez was convicted for possessing over 500 grams of cocaine with intent to distribute, while Ortiz Chaparro was convicted for distributing methamphetamine. 两人均于11月认罪。 Both had pleaded guilty in November. 当局在7月搜查他们的家时发现一公斤以上可卡因、一把装满子弹的手枪和18 000美元。 Authorities found over one kilogram of cocaine, a loaded handgun, and $18,000 during a search of their home in July.