57 岁的前美国邮政服务公司工作人员卡洛斯·梅迪纳因在兰开斯特县值班期间密谋运送可卡因被判处 4 年半至 10 年有期徒刑。 57-year-old former USPS worker, Carlos Medina, sentenced to 4½-10 years for conspiring to deliver cocaine while on duty in Lancaster County.
现年 57 岁的前美国邮政工作人员卡洛斯·梅迪纳因在兰开斯特县执勤期间密谋运送超过 4 磅的可卡因而被判处 4 年半至 10 年监禁。 Former U.S. postal worker Carlos Medina, 57, was sentenced to 4½ to 10 years in prison for conspiring to deliver over 4 pounds of cocaine while on duty in Lancaster County. 梅迪纳曾在美国邮政服务公司工作了 34 年,因持有可卡因意图贩卖、犯罪使用通讯设施和犯罪共谋被判有罪。 Medina, who worked for the USPS for 34 years, was convicted of possession with intent to deliver cocaine, criminal use of a communication facility, and criminal conspiracy. 调查始于美国国土安全部截获两件寄往兰开斯特县地址的含有可卡因的包裹。 The investigation began when the U.S. Department of Homeland Security intercepted two packages containing cocaine bound for Lancaster County addresses.