三人在从密西西比运送可卡因后因贩毒在阿拉巴马州被捕。 Three people were arrested in Alabama for drug trafficking after delivering cocaine from Mississippi.
在从密西西比州西点运送约一磅可卡因后,在阿拉巴马州红湾的一次多机构毒品行动中,三人被捕。 Three individuals were arrested in a multi-agency drug operation in Red Bay, Alabama, after delivering about one pound of cocaine from West Point, Mississippi. 达里乌斯·琼斯、斯蒂芬妮·沃福德和詹姆斯·史密斯被捕了 Darius Jones, Stephanie Wofford, and James Smith were apprehended. Wofford还被指控在车上生了一名两岁未受限制的孙儿。 Wofford was also charged for having an unrestrained two-year-old grandchild in the vehicle. 在Smith身上发现了一把装满子弹的枪。 A loaded gun was found on Smith. 所有人都被指控犯有贩毒和相关罪行,保证金每人100 000美元。 All were charged with drug trafficking and related offenses, with bond set at $100,000 each.