加拿大的一个辅助生活设施和三名雇员因一名79岁居民死亡而面临刑事过失指控。 An assisted living facility and three employees in Canada face criminal negligence charges in the death of a 79-year-old resident.
在Oshawa、Durham的Aspira传统(Aspira传统)的一个得到援助的居住设施以及3名雇员被指控犯有刑事疏忽罪,罪名是2023年一名79岁居民在被锁在大楼外过夜后死亡。 An assisted living facility in Oshawa, Aspira Traditions of Durham, and three employees have been charged with criminal negligence in the 2023 death of a 79-year-old resident found outside the building after being locked out overnight. 该妇女因暴露而死亡。 The woman died from exposure. 本案是加拿大对一家私人护理之家提起刑事指控的罕见案例,凸显了对该行业公司责任的日益严格审查。 This case marks a rare instance of criminal charges against a private care home in Canada, highlighting growing scrutiny of corporate responsibility in the industry.