凶杀案侦探正在调查安大略省长期护理院 94 岁老人的死亡事件。 Homicide detectives probe death of 94-year-old at Ontario long-term care home.
凶杀案调查人员正在调查一名在惠特比长期护理院摔倒的 94 岁妇女的死亡事件。 Homicide investigators are investigating the death of a 94-year-old woman who fell at a Whitby long-term care home. 1 月 17 日,验尸官办公室联系了调查人员,他们确定受害人与另一名老年居民发生了一起事件。 The coroner's office contacted investigators on January 17, and they determined the victim was involved in an incident with another elderly resident. 该女子在医院因伤重不治身亡。 The woman died from her injuries in the hospital. 受害者的姓名尚未公布,调查人员正在与检察官办公室协商,以确定是否提出指控。 The victim's name has not been released, and investigators are consulting with the Crown Attorney's office to determine if charges will be laid.