30岁以下世界顶尖的年轻厨师 在米兰竞争 称号最佳崛起的烹饪人才。 World's top young chefs under 30 compete in Milan for title of best rising culinary talent.
S.Pellegrino青年厨师学院竞赛将于2025年10月28-29日在米兰的大决赛上, The S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy competition will crown the world's best young chef under 30 at its Grand Finale in Milan on October 28-29, 2025. 在区域竞赛之后,15名决赛者将向一组烹饪专家小组展示他们的菜盘。 After regional competitions, 15 finalists will present their dishes to a panel of culinary experts. 胜者将因其烹饪技能和积极影响食堂的潜力而获得著名的奖项和表彰。 Winners will receive prestigious awards and recognition for their culinary skills and potential to influence gastronomy positively.