英国介绍了世界上第一家实验室培育的肉狗食谱,将植物成份与实验室培育的鸡肉结合。 UK introduces world's first lab-grown meat dog treats, combining plant ingredients with lab-grown chicken.
总部位于英国的 Pets at Home 推出了“Chick Bites”,这是世界上第一款限量发布的实验室培育肉狗零食。 UK-based Pets at Home has launched "Chick Bites," the world's first lab-grown meat dog treats in a limited release. 这些食谱由肉类生产,这些食谱将植物成份与实验室生产的鸡结合,来源于单一细胞样本,目的是像传统的鸡一样富有营养。 Produced by Meatly, these treats combine plant-based ingredients with lab-grown chicken, sourced from a single cell sample, aiming to be as nutritious as traditional chicken. 联合王国是第一个批准将实验室生产的肉作为宠物食品的欧洲国家。 The UK is the first European country to approve lab-grown meat for pet food. 肉类计划在今后三至五年内扩大产量,以更广泛地提供该产品。 Meatly plans to expand production over the next three to five years to make the product more widely available.