科学家在果蝇中发现大脑信号 将酒精与失眠联系起来 帮助潜在的人类治疗 Scientists find brain signals in fruit flies that link alcohol to insomnia, aiding potential human treatments.
研究果蝇的研究人员已查明与酒精引起的失眠有关的大脑信号和细胞,这一发现可能导致有针对性地治疗人类中与酒精有关的睡眠问题。 Researchers studying fruit flies have identified brain signals and cells linked to alcohol-induced insomnia, a discovery that could lead to targeted treatments for alcohol-related sleep issues in humans. 酒精破坏苍蝇的睡眠模式 与人类相似, 脑化学物质 叫做乙酰胆碱 起着关键作用。 Alcohol disrupts sleep patterns in flies similarly to humans, with a brain chemical called acetylcholine playing a key role. 这一发现可能有助于针对戒酒期间的睡眠问题制定更有效的治疗方法。 This finding may help develop more effective therapies for sleep problems during alcohol withdrawal.