菲律宾元老院在中期选举之前, 推迟了对VP Duterte弹劾的听证。 Philippine Senate delays hearing VP Duterte's impeachment until after midterm elections.
菲律宾参议院宣布,在中期选举后直到6月2日才会听取对副总统萨拉·杜特特的弹劾指控。 The Philippine Senate announced it will not hear the impeachment complaint against Vice President Sara Duterte until June 2, after the midterm elections. 推迟的原因是要求参议员在国会开会期间宣誓,然后作为弹劾法院开庭。 This delay is due to the requirement that senators swear an oath while Congress is in session before convening as an impeachment court. 众议院以涉嫌滥用公共资金和威胁关键官员生命为由弹劾了杜特,但她否认所有指控。 The House of Representatives impeached Duterte for allegedly misusing public funds and threatening the lives of key officials, but she denies all charges.