众议院审议对VP Sara Duterte的弹劾投诉,罪名是滥用资金、腐败。 House considering impeachment complaints against VP Sara Duterte for misusing funds, corruption.
众议院正在考虑批准对被控滥用资金和腐败的副总统萨拉·杜特提出的三项弹劾指控之一。 The House of Representatives is considering endorsing one of the three impeachment complaints filed against Vice President Sara Duterte, who is accused of misusing funds and corruption. 预计将很快收到第四起投诉。 A fourth complaint is expected soon. 根据宪法,众议院有权就这些投诉采取行动,但国会休会至2025年1月13日,没有计划立即采取行动。 The House is constitutionally mandated to act on these complaints, but with Congress on break until January 13, 2025, there is no immediate action planned. Duterte说,她愿意面对这些投诉。 Duterte has stated she is willing to face the complaints.