反对党领袖Peter Dutton在竞选过程中面临媒体对透明度和地点的监察。 Opposition Leader Peter Dutton faces media scrutiny over transparency and location during campaign trail.
反对党领袖彼得·达顿(Peter Dutton)在议会大厦一次罕见的记者招待会上发表媒体批评, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton addressed media criticism at a rare press conference in Parliament House, confirming journalists would join him on the campaign trail. Dutton尽管驳斥了回避审查的主张,但在透明度和地点准确性方面仍面临问题。 Despite dismissing claims of avoiding scrutiny, Dutton faced questions over his transparency and location accuracy. 他还批评总理阿尔巴内斯(Albanese)在Dural恐怖主义事件中, 并声称政府改判恐怖及仇恨罪强制判刑, He also criticized Prime Minister Albanese over the Dural terrorism incident and claimed credit for the government's shift on mandatory sentencing for terror and hate crimes.