麦迪逊郡的户外警报警报器因技术问题而下降,没有给出修复时间表。 Madison County's outdoor warning sirens are down due to technical issues, with no repair timeline given.
由于测试期间发现的技术问题,麦迪逊县的室外警报警报系统目前无法运行。 The outdoor warning siren system in Madison County is currently non-functional due to technical issues discovered during a test. 应急官员建议居民使用替代警报方法,如诺阿气象电台、当地媒体和气象应用程序,直到系统修复为止。 Emergency officials advise residents to use alternative alert methods such as NOAA Weather Radio, local media, and weather apps until the system is repaired. 技术员正在努力解决这个问题,但没有提供时间表。 Technicians are working to resolve the problem, but no timeline has been provided.