MEMA和HI-EMA对Píia地区的假警报警报器进行了调查,没有持续发生紧急情况。 The Pāʻia area false alarm siren was investigated by MEMA and HI-EMA, with no ongoing emergency.
Maui紧急管理署(MEMA)证实,星期五上午在Píia地区引爆的警报警报器是假警报,没有持续发生紧急情况。 The Maui Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) confirmed that a warning siren activated in the Pāʻia area on Friday morning was a false alarm, with no ongoing emergency. 警报器报告于上午8时左右开始,MEMA于上午8时26分作出澄清。 Reports of the siren began around 8 a.m., and MEMA issued a clarification by 8:26 a.m. 该机构正与夏威夷应急管理署合作 调查警报器启动的原因 The agency is now investigating the cause of the siren's activation in collaboration with the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.