田纳西州麦迪逊的龙卷风警报被车辆摧毁;居民建议使用替代警报。 Tornado siren in Madison, Tennessee destroyed by vehicle; residents advised to use alternative alerts.
田纳西州麦迪逊市的龙卷风警报器在12月4日被一辆汽车击中后被摧毁。 A tornado siren in Madison, Tennessee was destroyed after being hit by a vehicle on December 4th. 纳什维尔应急管理办公室(OEM)正在努力取代它,但目前没有时间表。 The Nashville Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is working to replace it, but no timeline is available. OEM建议居民使用其他气象警报手段,如气象应用软件、当地新闻和NOAA气象电台。 The OEM advises residents to use other means for weather alerts, such as weather apps, local news, and NOAA weather radios.