众议院共和党人支持特朗普的加沙提案, 但有些人,如参议员兰德保罗(Rand Paul)表示担忧。 House Republicans back Trump's Gaza proposal, but some, like Senator Rand Paul, express concerns.
众议院共和党领导人,包括议长迈克·约翰逊在内,已经表示,他们早就支持特朗普总统关于接管加沙地带和重新安置大约180万巴勒斯坦人的提议,目的是使该地区对以色列来说更加安全。 House Republican leaders, including Speaker Mike Johnson, have expressed early support for President Trump's proposal to take over the Gaza Strip and relocate about 1.8 million Palestinians, aiming to make the region safer for Israel. Trump在与以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡举行的新闻发布会上发表了评论,但没有提供具体细节。 Trump made the comments during a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but no specific details were provided. 有些共和党人,如俄克拉何马州共和党人汤姆·科尔(Tom Cole),小心谨慎,在承诺前想获得更多信息。 Some Republicans, like Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole, are cautious and want more information before committing. 参议员Rand Paul反对这个想法, 引述“美国第一”(America First)的关切和美国资源的潜在风险。 While strong public opposition within the party remains limited, Senator Rand Paul opposes the idea, citing "America First" concerns and the potential risks to American resources.