加拿大在哈利法克斯港口投资2 500万美元,以促进绿色航运和缓解供应链问题。 Canada invests $25M in Halifax port to boost green shipping and ease supply chain issues.
渥太华正在投资高达2 500万美元,用于改善哈利法克斯港的环境可持续性和供应链效率。 Ottawa is investing up to $25 million to improve the Port of Halifax's environmental sustainability and supply chain efficiency. 联邦运输部长Anita Anand宣布,2 250万美元将用于开发哈利法克斯和汉堡之间的绿色航运走廊,包括替代燃料基础设施和电动铁路火车头。 Federal Transport Minister Anita Anand announced that $22.5 million will be used to develop a green shipping corridor between Halifax and Hamburg, including infrastructure for alternative fuels and an electric rail locomotive. 另有250万美元将扩大码头能力,改善为大型船只提供的服务。 An additional $2.5 million will expand terminal capacity and improve services for larger vessels. 这些投资旨在减少排放,缓解供应链堵塞,支持新斯科舍的经济增长。 These investments aim to reduce emissions and alleviate supply chain congestion, supporting economic growth in Nova Scotia.