Brooklyn's 'Brims' 的帮派成员 指控多次枪击案 包括一起谋杀 超过两年 Brooklyn's 'Brims' gang members charged for multiple shootings, including a murder, over two years.
布鲁克林的“Brims”团伙的14名成员被指控在科尼岛和羊头湾发生了长达两年多的枪击事件,包括一起谋杀案。 Fourteen members of the 'Brims' gang in Brooklyn have been charged for numerous shootings, including a murder, that took place over two years in Coney Island and Sheepshead Bay. 起诉书包括谋杀、谋杀未遂、共谋和拥有武器等指控,源自纽约警察局和布鲁克林地方检察官办事处的一项联合行动。 The indictment, which includes charges of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, and weapons possession, stems from a joint operation by the NYPD and Brooklyn DA's Office. 该团伙卷入了与竞争对手的争斗,并且对恐吓社区负有责任,造成数人受伤。 The gang was involved in a feud with rivals and had been responsible for terrorizing the neighborhoods, leaving several people injured.