来自"8Trey Moveing Crips"的帮派成员 被控在皇后区开了两年九枪 涉及地盘战争 Gang members from the "8 Trey Moving Crips" indicted for nine shootings in Queens over two years, involving turf wars.
"全区男孩"和"任何事都能"团伙的11名成员,是"8 Trey Moving Crips"的一部分,在纽约皇后区被起诉,在2021年3月至2023年12月期间发生了一系列的9起枪击事件. Eleven members of the "Whole Blocc Boys" and "Score on Anything" gangs, part of the "8 Trey Moving Crips," were indicted in Queens, New York, for a series of nine shootings between March 2021 and December 2023. 皇后区检察官梅林达·卡茨提出的57项控罪包括共谋谋杀、谋杀未遂和持枪等指控。 The 57-count indictment from Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz includes charges of conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, and gun possession. 当局在调查过程中缴获了11支枪支。 Authorities seized 11 guns during the investigation. 枪击事件与地盘纠纷和社区恐怖有关。 The shootings were linked to turf disputes and terrorizing the community.