在绕过封闭的400号公路接孩子后,被指控驾驶有缺陷的妇女。 Woman charged with impaired driving after bypassing closed Highway 400 to pick up children.
一名来自Etobicoke的31岁妇女因在Finch大道附近被看见在封闭公路400号上行驶而被指控驾驶有缺陷。 A 31-year-old woman from Etobicoke was charged with impaired driving after she was seen traveling on a closed Highway 400 near Finch Avenue. 高速公路因严重碰撞而关闭,但她在接孩子的路上绕过封锁。 The highway was closed due to a serious collision, but she bypassed the closure while on her way to pick up her children. 警方在她到达碰撞地点之前拦住她,她因在路边未进行戒酒测试而被起诉。 Police stopped her before she reached the collision site, and she was charged after failing a roadside sobriety test.