一名索罗德妇女被控不小心驾驶造成骑自行车人死亡和另一人重伤。 A Thorold woman is charged with careless driving causing a cyclist's death and another's serious injuries.
一名来自索罗尔德的43岁妇女被指控在9月3日麦克洛伊德路相撞后,不小心开车造成死亡和身体伤害。 A 43-year-old woman from Thorold has been charged with careless driving causing death and bodily harm after a September 3 collision on McLeod Road. 这一事件导致一名36岁妇女乘坐一辆骑自行车的马车死亡,致使30岁的男骑自行车者受重伤。 The incident resulted in the death of a 36-year-old woman in a wagon attached to a bicycle and left the 30-year-old male cyclist with serious injuries. Acura的驾驶员没有受伤。 The driver of the Acura was not hurt. 这些指控是省级的,不是《刑法》规定的罪行,她定于3月出庭。 The charges are provincial, not Criminal Code offences, and she is set to appear in court in March. 她的名字没有被公布。 Her name is not released.