美国最高法院审理天主教慈善机构宗教免税案件。 U.S. Supreme Court to hear case on religious tax exemption for Catholic Charities.
美国最高法院将审理涉及威斯康辛州天主教慈善组织的案件,该案件得到一个宗教团体联盟和司法部的支持。 The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case involving Catholic Charities of Wisconsin, supported by a coalition of religious groups and the Department of Justice. 该慈善组织对拒绝给予宗教免税的国家裁决提出质疑,认为它向非天主教徒提供的服务不是典型的宗教活动。 The charity is challenging a state ruling that denied it a religious tax exemption, arguing its services to non-Catholics are not typical religious activity. 这一案例可能影响《第一修正案》如何保护宗教组织的内部决定。 This case could impact how the First Amendment protects religious organizations' internal decisions.