纽约的修女们对州政府要求宗教团体在医疗保健计划中承保医学上必要的堕胎费用的规定提出质疑。 Nuns in New York challenge state regulation requiring religious groups to cover medically necessary abortions in healthcare plans.
天主教和圣公会修女们正在纽约捍卫她们的宗教自由权利,反对州政府的一项法规,该法规要求她们在医疗保健计划中涵盖“医学上必要的”堕胎。 Catholic and Anglican nuns are defending their religious freedom rights in New York, arguing against a state regulation that could require them to cover "medically necessary" abortions in their healthcare plans. 纽约州上诉法院听取了一起诉讼的口头辩论,该诉讼质疑金融服务部的一项法规,该法规包括狭隘的宗教豁免,可能导致许多信仰组织无法获得豁免资格。 The New York State Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging a Department of Financial Services regulation that includes a narrow religious exemption, potentially preventing many faith-based organizations from qualifying. 美国最高法院请求纽约州上诉法院重新考虑其有关宗教自由先例的裁决。 The United States Supreme Court requested the New York State Court of Appeals to reconsider its ruling on religious freedom precedents.