英国燃料成本在第四个月上涨, 使一整箱柴油几乎更贵3英镑。 UK fuel costs rise for fourth month, making a full tank of diesel nearly £3 more expensive.
联合王国的司机面临更高的燃料成本,汽油和柴油价格连续第四个月上涨。 UK drivers are facing higher fuel costs, with petrol and diesel prices increasing for the fourth consecutive month. 自10月以来,汽油价格上涨了每公升5美元,柴油上涨了6美元,使全箱柴油几乎更贵3英镑。 Petrol prices have risen by 5p per litre since October, and diesel by 6p, making a full tank of diesel nearly £3 more expensive. 增加的部分原因是石油价格暴涨和英镑疲软,但是RAC的Simon Williams希望,如果油价下降,价格将会下跌。 The increases are partly due to a spike in oil prices and a weaker pound, but RAC's Simon Williams hopes prices will drop if oil costs decrease. 竞争和市场管理局还警告说,燃料利润率高于通常,这表明市场竞争削弱。 The Competition and Markets Authority has also warned that fuel margins are higher than usual, indicating weakened competition in the market.