联合王国的汽油和柴油价格达到六个月的最低点,每升143p和147.9p。 UK petrol and diesel prices reach six-month lows at 143p and 147.9p per litre (AA).
据英国农业协会称,汽油和柴油价格已经达到六个月的最低点,平均每升143p和147.9p。 Petrol and diesel prices have reached six-month lows in the UK, averaging 143p and 147.9p per litre respectively, according to the AA. 然而,汽车驾驶组织警告说,与以往的高点相比,这些降幅微不足道,可能会对赚取国民生活工资的工人产生不利影响,他们的工作距离很远。 However, the motoring organization warns that these reductions are insignificant compared to previous highs and could negatively impact workers earning the national living wage who drive significant distances for their jobs. 目前的泵价格只保证到2025年3月为止。 The current pump prices are only guaranteed until March 2025.