阿联酋和吉尔吉斯斯坦举行了其第一个联合商业理事会,以促进经济联系和投资。 UAE and Kyrgyzstan held their first joint business council to boost economic ties and investment.
阿联酋和吉尔吉斯斯坦举行了第一次联合商业理事会会议,以加强经济联系并探索新的投资机会。 The UAE and Kyrgyzstan held their first joint business council meeting to strengthen economic ties and explore new investment opportunities. 讨论要点包括举办年度联合经济活动,探讨在农业、能源和医疗保健等部门开展合作的问题。 Discussion points included setting up an annual joint economic event and exploring collaboration in sectors like agriculture, energy, and healthcare. 两国都致力于促进更强有力的经济伙伴关系,并加强私营部门之间的合作。 Both nations aim to foster a stronger economic partnership and enhance cooperation between their private sectors.